LÎÒ #30928.
Field mail - Active Army. Post card sent to Odessa (Kherson Province). Stamp Stamp of the Post and Telegraph Branch No. 230 dated 11/14/1916
LOT # 30929. "The peoples of the Soviet Union" of 1933. Used full set 21 stn. Paper with a water mark 11a/b. Print- Phototype. Cat .: "SK" # 317 - 337; Mi. #; Sc. #
LOT #30930. Envelope letter from Nikolaevka (Jewish Autonomous District) from 10.09.36 in the town of Svobodny Amur., Arr. 19.10.36
Lovely bilingual stamp of us. Item Nikolaevka (E.A.O)
LOT #30933. Bill paper (bill of exchange, loan letter) with personal obligations for 1500, Odessa 1835. The nominal value of the state form (with watermarks) is fifty kopecks. Rarity. Condition: Very good
LÎÒ #30942.
Field mail - Active Army. 13-th Automotive Company. Post card sent on 03/15/1917 from St. Petersburg to Skadovsk (Tavria Province), arrival date 03/22/1915
P.S. History reference: 13-th Automotive Company - http://forum.vgd.ru/174/92297/
LÎÒ #30937.
Field mail - Active Army. Dressing squad of the 42nd Infantry Division. Field Post Office number 11. Post card sent from 7.2.2015 from Kovalevka (Podolsk Province) to Great Sorochintsy.
P.S. The 42nd Infantry Division is an infantry unit as part of the Russian Imperial Army. Division headquarters: Kiev. Entered the 9th Army Corps.