LOT # 17113. Badge (icon) - Tourist of the USSR. Condition: Excellent. Description: Bronze (brass), hot enamel (heavy metal). Size: - x - mm.
P.S. The badge was authorized to exist in 1939, and was a round emblem with a red five-pointed star in the upper part and the USSR inscription enclosed in a rectangular frame at the bottom. In the central area of the icon there was a peculiar image of a compass pointing to the north magnetic pole, and also Latin letters from left to right - W, N, O. The letters on the icon indicate three directions - west (west), north (nord), east (ost) In addition, the inscription “tourist” was also located at the top of the icon. Rather rare among collectors-falerist is considered the icon "Tourist of the USSR." This is due primarily to the fact that such a badge was issued only to members of the Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions, and in order to earn it, it was required to mark at least 2-3 countries, and with at the same time having a “traveler” experience of at least two years.