LOT # 17112.
Badge of the Student Construction Squad of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of 1977. Yerevan, Armenia. Condition: Excellent. Description: Alloy (heavy metal). Size: - x - mm.
P.S. In the days of the USSR, there were a large number of different movements, one of which was Student construction detachments or abbreviated as MTR. Students in large companies went to large domestic construction sites, while such detachments differed in a certain form of clothing, there were banners and, of course, MTR badges. There are a large number of MTR signs, however, collecting symbols of this topic is distinguished by its specific features. First of all, the badges of Student construction detachments were issued in small batches, sometimes only a hundred copies, and sometimes even 40, as a rare sign "MTR Teacher". There is another problem of collecting such badges, namely their fragility, since the MTR signs were made in a practically artisanal way from improvised materials